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VA Loan Fraud: Essential Tips to Safeguard Your Future



VA loan fraud. Essential tips to safeguard your seat, your future.

Are you a veteran or an active duty service member considering VA loan? Protecting yourself from fraud is essential to safeguard your future. Here are some crucial tips, tips to keep in mind. First, do your research and work only with reputable lenders and mortgage companies.

Be cautious of unsolicited phone calls and emails offering too good to be true rates or deals. I can tell you from working at other companies, most of their security’s quite poor. A lot of ’em, and I’ll, these will remain unnamed, but they were, they were, they claimed to be a digital mortgage company, the first digital mortgage company.

And they told me to collect all my personal documents, to upload to email, and then upload them in the system. And I said, well, I can put them into this. portal you have. It’s like a Dropbox knockoff and I can give them the links. They said, my boss goes, Yeah, nobody uses that. They recruited me based on this technology.

So that’s an example of a company that looks secure but is not. So if they’re asking you to email personal information here at Texas Home Loans, I can tell you I do the I. T. Security here and I hire other people, but I’ve got my hands in it. We do not collect any personal information emails otherwise. Because we collect that with a secure document upload.

That’s the only way to keep you you know, secure. Of course, if there was somebody who’s a super hacker or whatever, he could come in and, and, and, you know, get our stuff. But you want, you don’t want to be the low hanging fruit. You want to make that hard enough. There’s plenty of other people. Next.

regularly monitor your credit report. We actually have a service for you. If you want to, we can monitor your credit report. They’ll tell you if there’s any hits, and I’ll also email you and tell you when there’s a hit on your account. So that way, you know, otherwise you might not know unless you have got these reporting stuff on your phone.

But some of those are not that reliable. This is an actual monitor of all three bureaus. So let us know if you want us to do that. If you get any suspicious activity You report to the credit bureaus. Get a hold of me, I can tell you how to do it. Sometimes they’re good to work with, sometimes they’re not.

You want to talk to the credit bureaus and the Federal Trade Commission. So, Additionally, you want to seek a trusted financial advisor for a VA loan. This could be a kind of a daunting process. Educate you. You want to be educated on your rights and help make the informed decisions. Remember, knowledge is power.

We’ll give you knowledge. A lot of lenders, what they want to do is corral you, hit your credit and control you. We want to earn your business. give you lower rates, better terms, faster turn times, more knowledge. These, this is how I think, and this is how I treat my people. I want, I treat people how I want to be treated.

Lastly, I want to give a shout out to Black Rifle, local Bernie, Texas company now serving lunch. Got into the sandwiches a couple of times, their wraps. Appreciate that. And we hope you appreciate the fact that we are giving veterans a fair shake. We’re not making more money on veterans compared to the normal financial industry.

Normal financial industries, on average, make about three times more on a veteran loan as opposed to a conventional loan. And that results in higher payments. That results in hundreds of thousands of dollars over payments over life alone. Only because that VA insurance should have lowered the rate. But instead they move it up and nobody knows because they’re all making money on it, except for us.

We’re going to show you we’re pulling back the curtain. We’re exposing the fraud. We’re exposing the corruption. If you google overcharging veterans, the list is long and distinguished to quote Top Gun. So speaking of planes, I hope you like my a 10 here. My buddy flies the A 10, the Air National Guard, everybody loves the A 10, well some people, other than the receiving end of it, they don’t like it.

Anybody here, they love it. It seems like all, I had to put something military up and I thought this is the best thing because everybody loves them. So. Safeguard your future regarding VA loan fraud. Stay vigilant. Ask us about our security process. You’re going to be impressed. Most people are not as technically minded in the mortgage industry.

They’re like the, yeah, cool guy. They golf a lot and they’re, you know, I don’t know, they drink bread bowl of vodkas and have popped up collars. That’s cool. But if you don’t protect the client’s security and you can do all that stuff and drive your 3 Series, your used 3 Series BMW and have gel in your hair, that’s cool.

Go, you go be you. That’s not me. I worry about technical stuff. I worry about security. I received some documents the other day. I deleted them, quarantined the email, told the person you need to upload those securely and then we’ll be good to go. So that’s how, that’s how serious we are. Other people don’t do that.

I hope you take that to heart because we’re protecting you and protecting your future. We don’t want to be involved in a credit fraud case. You guys have a good day and thank you for your service.

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